You know how this summer has been very busy for the kids, well here is something daughter wrote after her trip to Texas to help others. It was more than I found out about her week by trying to pry it out of her.
First is the version I got out of her, then read the version she wrote so nicely for church.
Me - How was your trip?
A - Fine.
Me - What did you do?
A - WORKED! I got blisters from a shovel. It was horrible. I didn't have any fun.
Me - Did you get to swim?
A - Shrugs shoulders. Hey can I go over to M's house?
Now the nicer version I wasn't even told she wrote!!!
First is the version I got out of her, then read the version she wrote so nicely for church.
Me - How was your trip?
A - Fine.
Me - What did you do?
A - WORKED! I got blisters from a shovel. It was horrible. I didn't have any fun.
Me - Did you get to swim?
A - Shrugs shoulders. Hey can I go over to M's house?
Now the nicer version I wasn't even told she wrote!!!
Mission Trip
July 18,
this and Remember Me." Luke 22:19
This was the main Bible verse for our
mission trip week. To me, it means God wants us to do his work and help other
people to remember him. On our mission trip we went to Ft. Worth Texas and
other towns close by. We went to the Salvation Army and helped clean there
and did any work they asked. That same day we went to the Food Bank and
sorted food for them. Our group did so much work and it was a good thing and
helped a lot of people. I will definitely remember it.
The last two days we were there we went to
Camp Briarwood. Our group did yard work outside all day! We cut down trees
and branches that were in the way of the trail and put dirt back into a
trench. Let me say that, that is the most I have ever sweated before. Also at
the camp I thought it was really nice of them to let us eat lunch with them.
They really appreciated our work there and even though I got cuts, blisters,
and bug bites I still am glad that I helped. This mission trip helped me have
a stronger faith in God and myself.
One night at worship they made a cloth and
they were going to give each one of us a piece of it to help us remember our
experience. It was very touching for me. Hopefully another day I will go on
another mission trip like this one.
Dear God,
I pray for all the people that we helped and for all the good
things that happened this week. In Jesus name we pray, Amen
-A. Reed
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