Sunday, December 29, 2013


We all know how busy the month of December is...I know we bring it on ourselves but sheesh so much in one month. It is almost as busy as canning!!!

Since we had met our deductible for the year based on my E.R. visit early in the year I decided I should head into the specialist to see about my shoulder and knee. They had been bugging me for months and not getting any better. Remember I do not like doctors so for me to be going you know it was bugging me.  Anyway I can't get one appointment for both the shoulder and knee. NOOOOO, it is so specialized these days I had to see two doctors. Racket????? I think so. Anyway those appointments required an afternoon off plus it ended as I thought it would. Want a shot - NO FREAKING WAY. OK go to physical therapy.

So this busy month of December I have been working hard with my physical therapist to try and rehabilitate my shoulder and knee. Impingement and arthritis what a combo... I have been working hard all month and have improved. I can now straighten my leg out and move my shoulder without biting pain. I am not back to 100% but at least I now have the knowledge of the exercises I need to combat the pain.

I like physical therapists. They actually try to help you get well versus a doctor that rushes you in, wants to give you a quick shot or pills and send you on your way. Physical therapists listen to where it hurts, take the time to feel the knots and sore spots and help you to get well. My therapist has worked so hard. We tried: ice, massage, and finally decided heat was my bodies choice of ways to feel better. We both were amazed at how well both responded to warming before working the muscles.  The therapist, as all people who are allowed to touch me, say the same thing: YOU ARE FULL OF KNOTS!  I carry my stress that way so it was not surprising to hear. We worked through the knots and were doing well until one week we went to far on the shoulder. EEEKKKK pain all weekend. That next week we worked hard and had the chiropractor also adjust me and we are back on track.

It has been a lot to fit into the month but worth it to feel better.

Here is to a great 2014~~~


Sunday, December 15, 2013

December can be beautiful

Amazing photo taken by my husband. I just had to share.

December in the Midwest. Beautiful in its own way.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Well it is that time of year again, The Christmas Season. I have been thinking lately - wow I sure have a lot of rituals this time of year. I guess you could call them habits or routines also but it all boils down to a lot of extra work and things to do at a normally very busy time.

This is not a very good photo but it does show our Christmas tree. This year I went with a red and white theme. It was the first time I did the entire tree in a theme. The lights are white, angel on top white and all the ornaments are either crystal, white, clear, or red or a combination of both. It turned out really well and I love it!

I also have my Christmas cards mailed. I know you are thinking Christmas cards??? Who does that in this electronic age. Well I do. I love getting cards in the mail. They are always so beautiful and sometimes come with a nice letter from a friend or relative. It gives me joy to write our annual letter. It gives me pause to reflect on our past year and all that we did. I count my blessings I guess.

Baking...Yes I do all the baking I can this time of year. Cookies and candies. The kids love this part of my rituals.I have done one batch of both and have another batch to do yet. In addition to the kids scarfing down many, I give some to neighbors. I also donate to the church cookie bazaar so others get to eat the fruits of my labor.

Shopping - yes I force myself to do this also. People close to me always get presents. It is the season of giving after all. Some people also get the true fruits of my labor some of my canned goods! I hope they enjoy the love that goes into those gifts.

Cooking. I am sure I will cook a large Christmas dinner for family and friends. This entails cooking and cleaning. Not that my house doesn't need a good cleaning but it still adds more to the to-do list.

Here is to a lovely holiday season - no matter what your rituals or yearly to-do. Take a moment to breathe and enjoy a slice of time.

Love to you all.