A little background before I begin this post.
I am a Christian - Lutheran to be very specific. I don't know that any of this is important to tell the story but it might give things some perspective. I do think what I will write about applies to all people even beyond Christians so here we go for what it is worth.
I wrote my first devotional this week. The only reason I wrote it is because a small voice of sorts inside me pushed me to do it. Now this inner voice doesn't use words as you and I communicate, it is more with feelings and other things you can't put into words. It kinda freaks me out to talk about it but it is very real. Sometimes I stupidly even try to argue with this voice inside me. Like THAT does any good. The little voice can be very persistent even if it is not loud. It will still let me do whatever the heck I want and doesn't punish me when I don't listen but it stays there all the same. Some people call it your conscious, some the voice of the Holy Spirit, some even call it craziness! Anyway, I am getting off subject here...
I will share what I wrote but that is not the amazing thing. The amazing thing about this story is the email I received back shortly after sending it in to be posted. Like she said, God is amazing how he works!
First the devotional:
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs to deep for words. Romans 8:6
This fall things have been more hectic than usual in that I had to miss church a few times. One particular month I was going on three weeks without church. That entire week I was cranky and out of sorts. I was short with people and just didn't feel like myself. By about Thursday I realized I was being extra cranky and gave myself a time out. When I was trying to figure out the problem, I said a little prayer for the Lord to help me. That is when the Holy Spirit whispered church or something along those lines not really using words. I realized I had not been to church! That Sunday I couldn't wait to get to church. After the service, I could immediately tell the difference. I was so much calmer. My head was clear, my sins had been forgiven and I felt I could tackle the upcoming week.
Lord, Please help me to keep my inner ears open to hear the Holy Spirit whispering to me the correct path to take. Amen.
Now for what the Parish administrator wrote: (the amazing thing)
This is wonderful! I was just preparing a class session for tomorrow night and the topic is “The Practice of the Presence of the Spirit”. Then I turned to my e-mail and here was your devotion – now I believe that is God at work!
I would love to use this as a D.R.O.P. Thank you for listening to the Spirit and writing this down. Please feel to share something like this any time. It is wonderful to have “extra” devotions to use.
To all this I just say - Amen.